Monday, February 6, 2012


Tonight, I mapped out divine power. This is, of course, one of the central themes of the Caiorr, so I needed to get it done sooner instead of later. What I find particularly satisfying is the way that it lines up with crucial plot points and ideas that I've already had--as if signs that this is where the milieu needs to go.

The Kampchalla isn't a new concept--in fact, it's rather core to my LDS beliefs, but in the Caiorr it's expressed in such a way that it makes it approachable, essentially compiling ordinations, covenants, exaltations, and powers into a simple-yet-comprehensive system. That may sound pretty vague, but it makes sense to me. More on this will be forthcoming.

I promise that I provide better exposition in my book than I do on this blog--for obvious reasons. I feel like if I reveal very much about any of my ideas, it'll give away too much later on. I guess I might just say that the Kampchalla feels like the Church meeting the Force. Justin would probably be pleased about that. But it goes much further than that.

I still need to work out the technicalities behind demonic power, because it draws from the same source. How can both angels and demons have access to the same power? There have to be rules made, I guess. I need to make all of the rules terribly specific and technical, otherwise it'll become something easily exploitable to get it to do whatever I want, at the cost of audience interest and belief. If power--even godlike power--becomes too cheap and trendy, then how can it be seen as the incredibly powerful thing that it is? I need to establish some ground rules so it becomes obvious that when someone is calling upon the power of the gods, they're not merely bringing out bigger guns--they're pretty much ending the fight.

That's okay, because it means that there will be serious repercussions to the fight's conclusion. Godlike power is not used lightly. Consequences follow. This could get really crazy.

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