News for this week:
As of last night, I've reworked the forces of corruption and expanded their individual roles. In doing so, I've incorporated my other planned projects into the Caiorr. The series will now feature appearances of both the Korshar and the Tymantia. I've identified specific roles for both the Orraim and the Aedylonians. I know how the Ardror fit into the big picture. I'm getting a better feel for how the whole thing will work out.
Now that the worlds of Tymant and Movremit Coriah are a part of the overall universe of the Caiorr, I can start implementing ideas developed for those works into the universe of The Power and the Corruption. For instance, the idea of blood containing the soul from the world of Coriah. How can that be implemented into the worlds of Hylos and Tymant? I can see the Caidonians being superstitious about blood spillage and burial.
Perhaps the landscape can reflect the impact of bloodstained ground or something. Violent seas after tremendous sea battles or martyrdoms. Barren landscapes after bloodshed. The land reflects the violence. Weapons of power because the weapons truly reflect the slain. See? The ideas have begun to flow. And as long as I keep working at them and putting new and old things together, they'll continue to flow in beautifully new ways.
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